
Manifesting Shaktis of Sadashiva - I was initiated into Trinetra Tilak on the auspicious day of Guru Poornima which fell on 9th of July 2017 by His Holiness, dearly addressed as Swamiji by all His disciples. I received my very first initiation into Shaktis during a program called Nithyanandam for New Gen in April 2017, which was exclusively for kids and youth aged between 8 to 21. Initially, I was being very skeptical about manifesting all these extraordinary powers and I kept allowing my logic to interfere and influence my mind that it is possible to manifest these powers but it may be impossible for me. I received the very first initiation into powers by Swamiji and all these doubts became redundant the very second I started manifesting remote vision successfully! The ecstasy I experienced every single moment Sadashiva revealed what was in a person's house which was across the world, it's just indescribable! The next powerful Shakti that I started manifesting was Body Scanning and this was too good to be true. Being able to diagnose a thyroid problem in a person without a Thyroxine test was possible only by the grace of Sadashiva. Just by looking at the opposite person through the third eye and experiencing oneness with Swamiji, so many things gets revealed not only about the physical condition of the body, but also the emotional and psychological state of the person. Moving forward, I once again went for a 7 days program called Shaktipada which was exclusively for Inner Awakening graduates. Once again, we received the powerful initiation into powers by Swamiji and remote scanning, body scanning, everything elevated into the next level. Sadashiva started revealing precise details be it during remote scanning or body scanning. The real breakthrough in me happened when Swamiji's presence happened in me and the prasad was materialization itself! Materializing vibhoothi, kumkum, chandhan on your bare hands out of thin air was something beyond logic, thinking and whatever my mind could interpret. Swamiji initiated all of us into the extraordinary power of materialization and just through the feeling connection with Swamiji, vibhoothi, kumkum and even turmeric spots started appearing on both my palms and the bliss was just out of the world! All these are something which can never be understood by the human mind and logic but it can be experienced. All it took for me to start manifesting powers was just the love I had for Swamiji, the very feeling connection I had with my Master and He takes care of the rest. This body becomes a channel for Sadashiva to flow through and manifest these Shaktis. My very body language changes whenever I sit for manifesting powers as if it is a total different dimension I'm heading into. Shaktis of Sadashiva becomes your very backbone in daily life. Life decisions never go wrong with the presence of Sadashiva's Powers. As a student, I go through major ups and downs in my academic life but with the presence of the Third Eye, I have experientially seen that intuitions are just the way Swamiji brings stability and clarity into my thoughts and actions. All decisions I make by taking the guide of the third eye, which is Swamiji Himself has never misguided me. It always leads me directly to the right path. Spiritual solutions to complicated conflicts are just by your fingertips and there's no more space for depression when Sadashiva is expressing through you. Thank you.
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