Nithyanandam ,
I am a disciple of Avatar H.H Bhagwan Paramahamsa Nithyananda Swamiji and also I am Nithya Spiritual Healer. By profession I am a Pharmacist. Since I met Swamiji, I have received various initiations from Swamiji in various programmes that I attended. One of the most precious Initiation that I've received is the Third Eye Initiation. In Nithyanandoham programme, a 21days intense spiritual retreat which I attended in December 2015 I experienced the power of blind fold reading through my Third eye for the very first time. Also very recently in year 2017 through the programme called Shaktipaada I am one of those who were initiated with Trinetra Tilak as a symbol of being Third Eye Awakened by the Avatar H.H Bhagwan Paramahamsa Nithyananda Swamiji upon manifestation of extraordinary Powers of body scanning, remote scanning, and breadth dimension power. These powers are manifested by the feeling oneness with Swamiji and ultimately Sadhashiva himself. Apart from that I have also materialised viboothi in my hands and I realized that this is through the feeling of intense presence of Swamiji in myself. Which is more precious than materialisation itself and I experience deep healing in the presence of Swamiji. Having Swamiji in my life is my greatest wealth. Swamiji also initiated me in Shiva Deeksha in year 2015 and Vishesha Deeksha in year 2016 which starts my experience of oneness with Shadhashiva himself through daily Shiva Pooja. Third Eye initiation gives me high intuition and helps me a lot at all levels of daily responsibilities including my job. My life is been taken care by Cosmos itself by the blessings of Swamiji. In gratitude at the feet of Swamiji.
Parvathy Sukumaniam. Malaysia.
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