I grew up watching movies and cartoons like Superman,Spiderman, etc which portrayed humans having and expressing extraordinary powers and this planted a deep desire of having these powers. I've never imagined one could possibly have these powers, at least not on planet earth until Swamiji literally proved it to the whole world that experiencing and expressing Powers Are Possible by every single human being. In May 2015, Swamiji initiated Gurukul kids who were living in Bidadi adheenam into these extraordinary powers and few kids started to read, write, walk with their eyes blindfolded. This literally blew my mind when I first saw it but deep inside I thought it is not possible for me. But I tell u, it is possible for everyone when I myself started to experience and express these powers.
Swamiji who is the Incarnation of Sadashiva himself is reviving back Santana Hindu Dharma has already initiated thousand of people into third eye powers and I'm one of the luckiest beings. I attended Sadashivoham 2016 Inner Awakening and received the initiation into expressing these extraordinary powers from Swamiji and I am now expressing Powers like blindfold reading, remote viewing, body scanning and now recently expressing the power of materialization powers too. And I tell you, it is really awesome when you manifest these powers. See, expression of these powers will happen only when you have oneness with Sadashiva, who is Swamiji for us. Whenever I express the powers, the bliss which oozes in me is indescribable. I'm 25 years old now and had been enjoying all my life doing things which makes me feel happy but never once had this kind of a blissful state in me. The moment I started expressing these extraordinary powers, two things in my life changed 360degrees. First of course my desire of expressing these cool Powers got fulfilled, second is my cognition about me and life itself changed. I've had this low esteem thought about myself for quite a long time and been thinking life only looks beautiful when things go smooth. But when I'm expressing these powers I have to be in oneness with Sadashiva, and Sadashiva is nothing but the source himself which is life. So the more I started to express these powers, automatically my cognition on myself and life literally changed where only powerful cognitions started existing. Like how powerful you'll feel when you can casually scan a person's body with third eye and tell their past, present and future heath condition plus giving remedy for the problems they currently undergo. It is simply awesome.
As I express the powers/shaktis, the integrity towards Swamiji gets aligned. If he says 'do puja everyday, be integrated with morning routine etc etc I just exactly follow as what He says. This is what makes me express these powers. There's no need of practicing these powers. Integrity towards Swamiji is the only way of expressing these Shaktis and it's very easy. Just follow what he says.
My lifestyle became tremendously awesome the moment I started expressing these powers. Back in Malaysia when I was working in the airlines, just by using the third eye I'll diagnose and troubleshoot the problems. If I lost something, using remote vision power I'll simply find out where the thing is. Then when Swamiji announced the opportunity of becoming aadhenavasi I just took the jump because I knew this is the best life to live around him. Now my life is full of miracles each and everyday.
It is so cool guys. Look. Now everything has changed and expression of powers will soon be like how everyone is having a mobile phone with them. Swamiji, the Youngest Avatar of our era is here and is ready to shower us with everthing. My friendly request for all those who are reading this. Don't waste your life out there anymore. Just come, get initiated and start expressing these powers left and right and most importantly, manifest the life that you want in an awesome way.Thank you. Nithyanandam.
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