I was initiated by my master Paramahmasa Nithyananda into third eye, blindfold reading power since year 2015. However, due to strong self doubt, self hatred and self denial (SDHD), I have never able to manifest all these power well. I always thought that all these might happen to everybody, but will never happen to me.
However started from year 2016, during the 3 months Nithyananda Yogam program, manifesting power happen to me too. But I still have doubt about this, is that true or just by guessing. This is how the mind work, keep on doubting and rejecting every happening in life.
After year 2017 Shaktipada program, I really experienced a breakthrough in power manifestation, I started to believe that I am able to manifest power, it is REAL. Actually, I realized that nothing can be DONE in order to manifest power, is really NOT DOING anything that made me start to manifest power. Just empty myself, connect with Swamiji, connect with Sadashiva and let HIM to see through me. The strongest experience that I have while manifesting power was I saw Swamiji through my third eye and seeing HIM walking towards me, and getting into me, at that moment, I became HIM. I AM HIM, HE IS ME. I could feel that my body became very huge, much much more bigger that this physical body. This is the ONENESS experience I have during power manifestation.
I started to realize that the more I manifesting power, the more I will be in the ONENESS, COMPLETION AND ENLIGHTENMENT SPACE, which mean that during that few nano-seconds I AM ENLIGHTENED. Another important changes that I notice while manifesting power is I become more sensitive to every thought that came into my mind, in the other word is I started to micromanage the thought current that I am having. This made me become more aware and alive, able to catch most of the happening inside my mind, and able to become a witnessing consciousness to observe how the mind playing,
My purpose of life is to manifest power and helping other to manifest power. Let the whole Malaysia, the whole world start to enjoy power manifestation.
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