Sunday, 30 July 2017

Nithyanandam ,

      I'm Alagammai Kasi and i'm a Data Scientist by profession .
May 2015 IA was truly a special IA. It was taking place at Varanasi. For the first time, Swamiji was initiating IA participants into Third Eye. I was dreaming of experiencing some superficial all the way to Varanasi. Actually I was disappointed that I couldn't read blind folded. I decided it's not for me even without giving a second try. My niece who was with me tore me into pieces hearing my words. She made it me sit with blind fold for 4 hours at one stretch and eventually after great agony followed by completion, letter 'k' appeared. I literally jumped out of my seat. Again during Sadasivoham in Dec 2016, I was practicing remote vision after receiving initiation from Swamiji. I had no doubt that I would radiate. Despite of my disbelief, sitting with an American Indian, I started seeing Krishna deity. Described the deity in detail and and to my astonishment, her eyes popped out of surprise. She said she Is deeply connected to her krishna at home and I described him precisedly. I came to the understanding that this is going to be possible for everyone and this is the next upcoming trend and technology. Back home, I got into my dad's car and I had a strong intuition that this car will stop shortly. You can't drive it. I used my logic and questioned it. Let's drive and see if it stops. Somehow my feelings were over powering. I got down and walked towards my car. As I was getting in, noticed that my dad's car tyre has punctured. Realized, Life is officially changing on planet earth. Let's embrace and be a part of it. Swamiji is raising humanity out of his sheer compassion and it would be too big to miss it. Thank you , Nithyanandam

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