Nithyananda Sangha Malaysia - Power Manifestors
Monday, 31 July 2017
The experience of power manifesting
My name is Parameswari Sadyojata Shivasakhti from Sungai Petani center, Malaysia.My experience about power manifestation is first time I attend IA in December 2011,I can do nithya spiritual healing.Second time I attend IA in May 2013 swamiji iniatiated in Vaak Sakthi.So next the third time I attend Sadashivoham in December 2017 it was big jump for me.I can do body scanning while I giving healing to people and Vaak Sakthi.The other hand I can move the matter (coconut moving).Recently I attended 2 days program call Paradox of Freedom swamiji iniatiated me to read blind folded.These extraordinary powers is the greatest shakthi remains the feeling connection to swamiji.As a result this maniftation daily give me courage , confidence , intelligence , devotion , and my whole body always vibrate during spiritual practice .I hope this powers and experience will remain in my inner space forever with swamiji blessing.Tq swamiji for showering all these powers.
Sunday, 30 July 2017
From devotion to oneness and power manifestation

Nithyanandam ,
I am a disciple of Avatar H.H Bhagwan Paramahamsa Nithyananda Swamiji and also I am Nithya Spiritual Healer. By profession I am a Pharmacist. Since I met Swamiji, I have received various initiations from Swamiji in various programmes that I attended. One of the most precious Initiation that I've received is the Third Eye Initiation. In Nithyanandoham programme, a 21days intense spiritual retreat which I attended in December 2015 I experienced the power of blind fold reading through my Third eye for the very first time. Also very recently in year 2017 through the programme called Shaktipaada I am one of those who were initiated with Trinetra Tilak as a symbol of being Third Eye Awakened by the Avatar H.H Bhagwan Paramahamsa Nithyananda Swamiji upon manifestation of extraordinary Powers of body scanning, remote scanning, and breadth dimension power. These powers are manifested by the feeling oneness with Swamiji and ultimately Sadhashiva himself. Apart from that I have also materialised viboothi in my hands and I realized that this is through the feeling of intense presence of Swamiji in myself. Which is more precious than materialisation itself and I experience deep healing in the presence of Swamiji. Having Swamiji in my life is my greatest wealth. Swamiji also initiated me in Shiva Deeksha in year 2015 and Vishesha Deeksha in year 2016 which starts my experience of oneness with Shadhashiva himself through daily Shiva Pooja. Third Eye initiation gives me high intuition and helps me a lot at all levels of daily responsibilities including my job. My life is been taken care by Cosmos itself by the blessings of Swamiji. In gratitude at the feet of Swamiji.
Parvathy Sukumaniam. Malaysia.
Sharing about manifesting shaktis

Nithyanandam ,
I am Ravichandran from Malaysia. I'm an duty manager in aviation . I got initiated into the power manifesting in Shakthipatha program . I started to manifest power immediately after I got initiated by my guru His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In the first manifesting powers session itself , we were asked to sit with a partner and do remote vision. Before this program I always had self doubt whether or not I will be able to manifest shaktis or will Sadashiva manifest through me. But this time I had no doubt and just started to tell whatever Sadashiva showed me . My partner asked me to tell him from which country is his wife from. After a few minutes, I told him that I couldn't see exactly from which country she is from but I'm able to see that a women wearing a crown . Without even clarifying anything my partner took out his phone, googled and showed me a picture of a women wearing a type of crown , then he told me that it's a Peruvian culture to wear a crown better know as headdress and that his wife is from Peru and it's was true what I said . From my opinion, i sat down with this cognition that only Sadashiva is going to manifest trough me and I have to do nothing but just have to tell whatever he is showing me without thinking whether it's is right or wrong . After the session a lot of completion happen in me that made me fall in love with his compassion of just giving everything he has. My body started to show a lot of changes , I felt really active even if I had only few hours of sleep in a day. After I started to manifest shaktis my life has changed completely in a different way
Nithyanandam ,
I'm Alagammai Kasi and i'm a Data Scientist by profession .
May 2015 IA was truly a special IA. It was taking place at Varanasi. For the first time, Swamiji was initiating IA participants into Third Eye. I was dreaming of experiencing some superficial all the way to Varanasi. Actually I was disappointed that I couldn't read blind folded. I decided it's not for me even without giving a second try. My niece who was with me tore me into pieces hearing my words. She made it me sit with blind fold for 4 hours at one stretch and eventually after great agony followed by completion, letter 'k' appeared. I literally jumped out of my seat. Again during Sadasivoham in Dec 2016, I was practicing remote vision after receiving initiation from Swamiji. I had no doubt that I would radiate. Despite of my disbelief, sitting with an American Indian, I started seeing Krishna deity. Described the deity in detail and and to my astonishment, her eyes popped out of surprise. She said she Is deeply connected to her krishna at home and I described him precisedly. I came to the understanding that this is going to be possible for everyone and this is the next upcoming trend and technology. Back home, I got into my dad's car and I had a strong intuition that this car will stop shortly. You can't drive it. I used my logic and questioned it. Let's drive and see if it stops. Somehow my feelings were over powering. I got down and walked towards my car. As I was getting in, noticed that my dad's car tyre has punctured. Realized, Life is officially changing on planet earth. Let's embrace and be a part of it. Swamiji is raising humanity out of his sheer compassion and it would be too big to miss it. Thank you , Nithyanandam
I'm Alagammai Kasi and i'm a Data Scientist by profession .
May 2015 IA was truly a special IA. It was taking place at Varanasi. For the first time, Swamiji was initiating IA participants into Third Eye. I was dreaming of experiencing some superficial all the way to Varanasi. Actually I was disappointed that I couldn't read blind folded. I decided it's not for me even without giving a second try. My niece who was with me tore me into pieces hearing my words. She made it me sit with blind fold for 4 hours at one stretch and eventually after great agony followed by completion, letter 'k' appeared. I literally jumped out of my seat. Again during Sadasivoham in Dec 2016, I was practicing remote vision after receiving initiation from Swamiji. I had no doubt that I would radiate. Despite of my disbelief, sitting with an American Indian, I started seeing Krishna deity. Described the deity in detail and and to my astonishment, her eyes popped out of surprise. She said she Is deeply connected to her krishna at home and I described him precisedly. I came to the understanding that this is going to be possible for everyone and this is the next upcoming trend and technology. Back home, I got into my dad's car and I had a strong intuition that this car will stop shortly. You can't drive it. I used my logic and questioned it. Let's drive and see if it stops. Somehow my feelings were over powering. I got down and walked towards my car. As I was getting in, noticed that my dad's car tyre has punctured. Realized, Life is officially changing on planet earth. Let's embrace and be a part of it. Swamiji is raising humanity out of his sheer compassion and it would be too big to miss it. Thank you , Nithyanandam
Magical life after manifesting shaktis
Nithyanandam ,
I'm Bawani Veeriah and I have been initiated as a trinetra tilak since nov last year. I feel truly blessed to manifest the remote scanning and body scanning. I find the power has given me the ability to lead a Super conscious life. Life has become effortless. Every moment of my life is travelled with bliss and full of alignment to my consciousness. I'm highly aware within me and Thia draws me be to be intergrated to every action I do in my life.
On a personal note things I'm able to view documents n identify error without flipping all the pages. I'm also able to manifest parking spot each time I need one. These manifestation is leaving me light and easy in dealing with life.
My experience during a scanning or remote vision session, firstly i experience ones with swamiji. In this space I'm able to experience and able to see the health condition of the person scanning. I will feel the same condition of the person I'm scanning. I'm also able to know their thought currents. A lot times the person I'm scanning not known to me personally will feel so connected with scanning done and show gratitude towards Swamiji and his grace. they also mention the lightness they feel after the session, getting better sleep and also reduced in their thought level . Thank You .
Powers are REAL

I grew up watching movies and cartoons like Superman,Spiderman, etc which portrayed humans having and expressing extraordinary powers and this planted a deep desire of having these powers. I've never imagined one could possibly have these powers, at least not on planet earth until Swamiji literally proved it to the whole world that experiencing and expressing Powers Are Possible by every single human being. In May 2015, Swamiji initiated Gurukul kids who were living in Bidadi adheenam into these extraordinary powers and few kids started to read, write, walk with their eyes blindfolded. This literally blew my mind when I first saw it but deep inside I thought it is not possible for me. But I tell u, it is possible for everyone when I myself started to experience and express these powers.
Swamiji who is the Incarnation of Sadashiva himself is reviving back Santana Hindu Dharma has already initiated thousand of people into third eye powers and I'm one of the luckiest beings. I attended Sadashivoham 2016 Inner Awakening and received the initiation into expressing these extraordinary powers from Swamiji and I am now expressing Powers like blindfold reading, remote viewing, body scanning and now recently expressing the power of materialization powers too. And I tell you, it is really awesome when you manifest these powers. See, expression of these powers will happen only when you have oneness with Sadashiva, who is Swamiji for us. Whenever I express the powers, the bliss which oozes in me is indescribable. I'm 25 years old now and had been enjoying all my life doing things which makes me feel happy but never once had this kind of a blissful state in me. The moment I started expressing these extraordinary powers, two things in my life changed 360degrees. First of course my desire of expressing these cool Powers got fulfilled, second is my cognition about me and life itself changed. I've had this low esteem thought about myself for quite a long time and been thinking life only looks beautiful when things go smooth. But when I'm expressing these powers I have to be in oneness with Sadashiva, and Sadashiva is nothing but the source himself which is life. So the more I started to express these powers, automatically my cognition on myself and life literally changed where only powerful cognitions started existing. Like how powerful you'll feel when you can casually scan a person's body with third eye and tell their past, present and future heath condition plus giving remedy for the problems they currently undergo. It is simply awesome.
As I express the powers/shaktis, the integrity towards Swamiji gets aligned. If he says 'do puja everyday, be integrated with morning routine etc etc I just exactly follow as what He says. This is what makes me express these powers. There's no need of practicing these powers. Integrity towards Swamiji is the only way of expressing these Shaktis and it's very easy. Just follow what he says.
My lifestyle became tremendously awesome the moment I started expressing these powers. Back in Malaysia when I was working in the airlines, just by using the third eye I'll diagnose and troubleshoot the problems. If I lost something, using remote vision power I'll simply find out where the thing is. Then when Swamiji announced the opportunity of becoming aadhenavasi I just took the jump because I knew this is the best life to live around him. Now my life is full of miracles each and everyday.
It is so cool guys. Look. Now everything has changed and expression of powers will soon be like how everyone is having a mobile phone with them. Swamiji, the Youngest Avatar of our era is here and is ready to shower us with everthing. My friendly request for all those who are reading this. Don't waste your life out there anymore. Just come, get initiated and start expressing these powers left and right and most importantly, manifest the life that you want in an awesome way.Thank you. Nithyanandam.
Journey into oneness
Nithyanandam ,
My name is Lee Kim Har and I am a retired Malaysian Government Civil Servant from Seri Kembangan, Malaysia. Back in 2003 saw a write up about Swamiji in The Star newspaper describing him as a healer. I wanted very much to receive healing from Swamiji as I was experiencing some health issues. At that time Swamiji taught Ananda Suprana Program in Tamil. I was one of the non-Tamilan in the program. As promised Swamiji gave the meditation instructions in English. Subsequently attended the Nithya Spurana Program, Bhakti Spurana Program and the Healers’ Initiation when Swamiji visited Malaysia in 2009.
Express deep GRATITUDE to Swamiji for your infinite blessings and showering on a path of seeking. PRANAMS.
My name is Lee Kim Har and I am a retired Malaysian Government Civil Servant from Seri Kembangan, Malaysia. Back in 2003 saw a write up about Swamiji in The Star newspaper describing him as a healer. I wanted very much to receive healing from Swamiji as I was experiencing some health issues. At that time Swamiji taught Ananda Suprana Program in Tamil. I was one of the non-Tamilan in the program. As promised Swamiji gave the meditation instructions in English. Subsequently attended the Nithya Spurana Program, Bhakti Spurana Program and the Healers’ Initiation when Swamiji visited Malaysia in 2009.

My first IA was in Haridwar, March 2014 followed by Shivoham 2014, 2 Kumbh Melas in Nasik 2015 and Ujjian 2016 respectively, Sadashivoham 2016 and Guru Poorima Shaktipada 2017. I was able to roll the cococut effortlessy off my own palm and other people’s palm after rolling my first coconut off a Balasant’s palm during one Akashic Reading. During the Shaktipada Program I was able to express further the powers of body scanning and remote vision.
Earlier I was unable to express fully my shaktis because I had deep incompletion with my mother. My mother is my source and so is Swamiji. With this realisation I dropped my incompletions with my source and was able to establish oneness with my source, Sadashiva who is Swamiji. I trust fully the oneness with Swamiji and dropped a lot of self doubt.
With the expression of powers I feel so useful to myself and others. I have become an extension of Swamiji of bringing healing to others. I have moved forward in terms of expression of shaktis. I have realised my reality of being a Trintra Tilak initiate.There are subtle body changes in the body but the most prominent is the shape of the skull. It was not the same as before as the brahma aperture {sahasra) has deepened significantly. My intuition is heightened where I am able to catch the thought currents of people around me and their delusions from the body language and actions. There is friendlness when meeting strangers who smiles unconditionally. The innerspace expands.
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